Riser Accessories

Riser Accessories

We offer a wide range of accessories to assist you in your installation including self levelling, slope correctors, rubber accessories, side, front and wall finishing’s. Browse our range of accessories to see which product is best for your requirements.


We have two levelling options including the HA5 Self Levelling piece and HS2 slope corrector. Both of these can be used when the surface of the installation is slightly unlevel.

HA5 Self Levelling – Will correct differences upto 5%. Simply pop into the base wherever needed and the top plate clips in.

HS2 – Slope corrector to reduce inclination differences from 2% to 10%. Each section has a 2% correction. Maximum five numbers per riser, giving a 10% difference. Simply clips to the base bottom.

Side, Front and wall finishings

Our range of side, front and finishing cover side plates, wall finishing and edge finishing plates, allowing you to create a neat and clean finish to your installation.

Side Plates – We offer two side plates to aid installation without the need to cut a normal base. AK3.5/5 with heights between 35mm and 50mm, and AK5/8 with heights between 50mm and 80mm. Place along edges or against walls.

Edge Finishing Plate – An edge finishing plate to keep side fascia in place. Can also be used to create steps. The 2 sections can be simply clipped onto the base bottom and across the spacers on the top plate for the paving or decking to slot into. Ideally these are fitted to the side plates but can be fitted to a normal base by cutting the edge with a hacksaw to the correct size.

Wall Finishing – A 6mm thick self-adhesive protection rubber piece to apply to side of the paving when laying up to a wall.


For additional protection we offer two rubber pieces. Both are sound and shock resistant, ideal for flat roofs and balconies to assist with noise reduction.

Protection Rubber – A sound and shock absorbing water resistant protection layer. (Not for use on PVC surfaces).

Fitting Piece 2mm – A solid rubber sound and shock absorbing water resistant protection layer for use on top plates.

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