Priming Slurry

Priming Slurry

Pavetuf Priming Slurry is a polymer and cementitious slurry, specifically formulated to provide an exceptional bond between a new mortar base and porcelain or stone paving.

The powdered primer mixes easily with water and is simply applied to the back of your paving with either a trowel, roller or paint brush.

Features and Benefits

Priming Slurry 17kg Tub

  • Quick and easy to use

  • Mix with water

  • Approx. 12m2 coverage per tub

  • Suitable for domestic and commercial applications

Priming Slurry 25kg Bag

  • Quick and easy to use
  • Mix with water
  • Approx. 19m2 coverage per bag
  • Reduced cement content replaced by GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag) – helps to reduce CO2​
  • Suitable for domestic and commercial applications

For full technical information including base preparation, installation, FAQ’s and maintenance see our Guide to Using Priming Slurry.

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